Empowering Impact
How Swiss Re’s SHINE Programme is Helping Parkan Crudes Transform Food Waste into Sustainable Protein

The accelerator
The Shine Programme, developed by the Swiss Re Foundation supports social innovations that provide solution for local problems, helping social entrepreneurs achieve their impact objectives. Through this programme, the company offers a grant for selected social innovator plus an immersive learning journey facilitated by learning partner BOOKBRIDGE for Swiss Re employees and social innovator – this year eight Swiss Re expertscooperate with a social innovation partner, Parkan Crudes to co-create sustainable business plan.
A Day at the Insect Farm
A Day at the Insect Farm
On a October morning, the selected group of Swiss Re employees are standing outside the Parkan Crudes insect farm about to kick off the Shine programme in Štúrovo. I greet them, along with a few Black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens) that are flitting through the air like they own the place.
At the farm, there are thousands of tiny larvae in plastic boxes, munching away at their feed. It’s a feeding day, and the group is eager to get their hands dirty. Some prepare the feed mixture, while others weigh the larvae and pour it over the feed.

Tiny Powerhouses: How Black Soldier Fly Larvae Turn Food Waste into Protein-Rich Delicacies and Fertiliser
A single larvae can devour over twice its body weight every day—that’s like an average human downing over 1,400 hot dogs in one sitting. They’ll eat up unsold food and transform it into protein-packed treats for your pets. Chickens, fish, or dog would be fighting over these delicacies! When processed to insect meal, it contains up to 50% high-quality protein, along with essential vitamins, fats, and amino acids. Plus, they create a rich fertiliser known as frass.
Building the Future of Sustainable Farming: SHINE Teams Collaboration
The Shine group had split into three smaller teams: IT, marketing, and sales.
The IT team enhanced the website and started developing a tool that will check the nutritional value of feed for larvae, helping to make sure they are a stable source of protein for animal feed. The marketing team worked on social media, while the sales team had been cold-calling potential customers.
The whole week was a blend of workshops and brainstorming. Next up is our big moment: delivering the business pitch to investors in November. The Shine team and I are shooting for an investment from the Swiss Re Foundation and PONTIS foundation.